deister electronic building

Social Commitment

As a family-run company, we also take our social responsibility very seriously and are happy to support a variety of great projects.


Our heart projects

brauner Teddybär mit gelben Halstuch

Teddy Bear Donation for ASB Hannover

To support the emergency medical services, deister electronic GmbH donates teddy bears.

Gefüllte Obst- und Gemüsekiste

Fruit and vegetable box for the Egestorf I daycare center

To support a healthy nutrition, deister electronic GmbH and the support association of the Egestorf I daycare center donate a healthy fruit and vegetable box with plenty of choice for the children and staff every week.

deister electronic employees in front of a white sprinter

Sprinter donation to Heritage Ukraine and the REGEN Foundation

As part of a charity event on May 12th, 2022, deister electronic donated a Mercedes Benz Sprinter van to the charity organization Heritage Ukraine.


Acoustic cubes hanging from the ceiling

Donation of acoustic cubes for the Kita Wirbelwind

With the acoustic cubes donated by deister electronic, communication within the premises of the Kita Wirbelwind could be facilitated.


Student with acoustic donation

Audio technology for the FESH school

deister electronic supports modern Christian churches with technical equipment and also in the FESH, where service values are very important, funds from the donation budget of deister electronic are used.


Group photo: iPad donation to Ukrainian children

New tablets for refugee children and teenagers

deister electronic, in cooperation with ASSMANN Büromöbel, donates two gift boxes full of modern tablets to children and teenagers who have fled Odessa in Ukraine and have found refuge in Barsinghausen.


Logo Leyla Project and a photo of a girl

deister electronic supports "Leylaprojekt"

At deister electronic, we are concerned about the need in the world. Especially traumatised children growing up in war zones need our charity and attention. In 2021, we therefore supported the international aid project "Leylaprojekt" with donations.

Players wear jersey donation

Barsinghausen Handball Club

What were still dreams within the team in August 2020 then became reality three months later thanks to numerous sponsors and organisers: all the planning paid off.

Children at school with laptops

Laptop donation for the Wilhelm Stedler School

With donations from deister electronic and other sponsors, the Wilhelm Stedler School was able to purchase 13 new laptops for the classroom.

Collage with all mask donations from deister electronic

Masks for schools and kindergartens

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, learning in schools and also the care of children in day-care centres has become much more complicated and risky. To ease the situation for teachers, educators and children, deister electronic from Barsinghausen is supporting with a total of 9,500 donated masks.


Collage of people wearing jerseys

Jerseys for the dutch mountain bike youth team

The "CSM" mountain bike youth team trained very hard for this year's UEC MTB Youth European Championships 2020 in Italy and was supported by deister electronic GmbH with new jerseys.


Building Diakoniewerk Kirchröder Turm

Diakoniewerk Kirchröder Turm

We care about people - people who want to use our services and whom we are happy to accompany in a mindful, appreciative and competent manner. Our facility was founded in 1948. It grew out of the diaconal work of the Evangelical Free Church congregations in the city and region of Hanover.


Group photo with colourful costumes

Heritage Ukraine

Heritage Ukraine was founded and registered in January of 2007. At the beginning we visited an orphanage once a month and our first summer camp was held in a village with less than 50 children and 11 volunteers. Over the years God has blessed us and grown this ministry little by little as we desired to serve Him and His children. 


Building of the Hoffnungsgemeinde Barsinghausen

Hoffnungsgemeinde Barsinghausen

The Association of Protestant Free Churches in Germany has approximately 80,000 members.  We are one of these churches. In our modern community centre, members meet at a wide variety of events and activities. Alongside the joint church services on Sundays, there are, of course, also intensive personal exchanges in discussion groups on current and Christian topics as well as participation in charitable community projects.


Children sitting around a campfire

The IAM – Outreach for Children

Our aim is to help children and young people find their way and a reliable foundation for their lives. Especially in our time, with juvenile delinquency and the decline of values getting out of hand, we see the need to restore Christian values and standards. As a result, Bible stories, cheerful songs and a variety of games are just as much part of our youth programme as sports, creative activities and convivial community. 


Man holding a sign

ICF Essen

ICF Essen is a Christian community in the heart of the Ruhr area, which emerged from the dream of creating a church for people that is dynamic, close to life and at the pulse of time, in order to inspire people to live with Jesus Christ. Every week, many volunteers work with full commitment and enthusiasm towards this common goal.


Collage with an outdoor stage and an indoor event

HCF Hanover

HCF means "Hannover Christian Fellowship e.V. We are a Bible-oriented Christian church. Our membership includes Christians from all denominations, but we address primarily people who have not gone to a church for a long time or never had any contact with a church. Our aim is to speak about our faith in Jesus Christ in the forms and language of the 21st century.


People stand in a circle and stretch out their arms

Christian MS Network

The Christian MS Network, with almost 300 members suffering from the disease throughout Germany, has been in existence since 2002. What is so special and helpful is that their communication and cooperation are based on their shared faith. Trust in God is a powerful, continuous source of strength to provide encouragement for our daily lives.


Beach picture with the Return logo

Return to reality

return – the specialist unit for media addiction was established in 2008 as a counselling office in Hanover, and it deals with all issues in connection with problematic use of on-screen media (excessive playing of computer games, consumption of pornography, inappropriate use of smartphones, …)


A woman with a book in her hand is sitting on a porch with three girls

Globe Mission e.V.

Globe Mission e.V. is an internationally working Christian organization of Christians from different backgrounds and church denominations. Each of us has experienced God's love personally - therefore we want to pass it on to others.

Building in Odessa

Street children in Odessa

Tens of thousands of street children live in Ukraine. There are few government facilities, and usually, these are in poor condition. Many of the aid organizations rely on donations of all kinds from abroad.


Aerial view of the hospital of the Diospi Suyana Association

Diospi Suyana

In Peru, the descendants of the once-proud Incas (Quechuas) suffer from continuous social discrimination. For example, more than 80% of the Quechua in the Apurimac region live in extreme poverty.

