Sign Jobcentre Copenhagen

Security for the Copenhagen Jobcentre

Case study


Project goal

  • Improving the working conditions
  • Ensuring more security for employees


  • Increase of aggressive customer behaviour
  • Many rooms that need to be secured
  • Completely mobile system


  • Intelligent and reliable people protection system


  • High security level without expensive building modifications
  • Virtually maintenance-free Hardware and Software
  • Fast alerting in case of emergency

Project summary

Jobcentre Copenhagen

The city of Copenhagen was confronted with increased aggressive behaviour by Jobcentre clients. This resulted in a rapidly growing number of sick leaves from emplo-yees who felt threatened or attacked. The City of Copen-hagen took action to reduce employee absence and in-itiated the first project in a new job centre in downtown Copenhagen. As part of this project, the city needed to find solutions to improve the working environment and give employees the feeling of being safer in their own working environment.

Special requirements 

The Jobcentre required a system based on a personal alarm button that was both small and easy to carry, but fully mobile and could be used by employees throughout the office. The activation of the alarm button should immediately send a mes-sage to a mobile communication device. The message should include the employee‘s ID and location within the building. The call for help should either be sent to other employees to indi-cate who is where in an emergency, or to a security guard as is the case in larger municipal offices. The system should also generate an automatic incident report for evaluation purposes and be fully web-based for remote maintenance purposes. The mobile alarm system should of course withstand a cost-benefit calculation, as 200 employees need to be equipped with this device.

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The solution

The concept offered is the amanTag PersonalGuard® solution from deister electronic - a wireless call and alarm system which supports employees in an emergency by means of a transponder with an alarm button. This solution offers the advantage that the employee only has to press a button on his wrist in an emergency. The alarm message triggered in the event of a threatening situation contains detailed information about the person and their current location. 

This information is transmitted to the security officer, who carries a receiver with a display. One of the main requirements of the job centre was that employees should not be restricted in their freedom of movement, but should be able to move freely and safely in their working environment.

The installation has been in operation since February 2007 and there is a high level of satisfaction with this solution. Orders for other job centres have already been realized due to the very well-functioning system. 

