Innovative Access Control Reader

Configurable OSDP-VerifiedTM readers comply with a wide range of credential technologies, for high-security access control; migration from an old credential technology; or providing for future credential technologies.


High-quality future-proof readers

Durable and update ready

Security threats are constantly evolving. Technology is also adapting to meet the new threats - yet most companies continue to use their outdated access control technologies.

Switching to a new credential technology  is costly and the technical hurdles complex. How much of the access control system needs to be replaced?

Can "old" credentials and "new" credential be used at the same time? Do all users and credentials have to be recreated and linked in the software? Will there be security gaps during transitioning to the new credentials? Is there a need for new crendentials at all?



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Deister has 30+ years of experience in the development of access control readers and the development of credential technologies. Deister holds some of the basic RFID patents in security and have implemented countless technology transitions in the security space. Deister readers and project management we have helped many international customers maintain and advance secure access control.

Whether it's the many varieties of original 125 kHz formats; early smart card credentials including MIFARE® Classic; the latest MIFARE® DESFire;  or legacy technologies including CASI-RUSCO® , AWID, Legic® or HID® Prox - we support you in transitioning to a more secure credential technology and offer high-quality readers that are future-proof and fully firmware field updateable.

person showing keyfob to PRX3 white transponder
person scanning credential at Access Control Reader
person showing keyfob to the prx6_white_transponder
person Access to the Building Access Reader

Online reader

Elegant and high quality

Access control readersKeypad readers

Access control readers

One reader, all technologies

The timeless design provides a quality apearance and Deister's proven reading technology guarantees fast and reliable operation. The readers are available in three different shapes to match any available space at the door. The reader's three individual LEDs clearly indicate status to the user. Even users with color blindness can determine the status of the reader based on the LED position. The readers include a replaceable cover. Even after many years of use, you can make it new just by replacing the reader cover.

In addition to legacy reading technologies (the many varieties of prox) modern technologies such as MIFARE® Classic and MIFARE® DESFire, Bluetooth® and NFC™ are supported. The readers have an open, yet secure, interface (Triple Technology™) to retrofit existing or future technologies, so you remain future-proof with the Infinity Readers™.

  • Highest quality
  • Low power consumption
  • Remote or local firmware update
  • Triple Technology™
  • Available in two standard colors (Cosmic Black & Astral Grey)--custom colors and patterns are available
  • Interchangeable cover

All Readers

Keypad readers

For card credentials, NFC, BLE and PINs

The keypad readers add a high-quality keypad with backlit keys and are available in three designs. The separate LEDs clearly indicate the status to the user and the keypad provides haptic, visual color blinidness can recognise the status of the reader based on the LED positions.  The keypad provides additional haptic, visual and acoustic feedback. . The readers feature a replaceable cover. Even after many years of use, you can make it new just by replacing the reader cover.

Like the PRx access readers, the KPx keypad readers have a secure and open interface (Triple TechnologyTM) to retrofit for existing or future technologies.

  • Highest quality
  • Low power consumption
  • Remote firmware update
  • High-quality keypad with backlit keys
  • Triple TechnologyTM
  • Available in two colors (Cosmic Black & Astral Grey)
  • Replaceable cover

All Readers

Retrofit Security

Smart Cipher Box 1Smart Cipher Box 2

Smart Cipher Box 1

High security for controllers and readers

The Cipher Box® 1 is installed between the access control reader and the controller. It transmits the security-critical process of decrypting credentials from the reader to the controller. The Smart Cipher Box® 1 is installed close to the controller. This allows a very high level of security to be added to an existing access control system without having to replace the controller.

  • Ideal for retrofitting
  • More security without replacing existing controllers
  • Security-critical decryption takes place in a secure domain

More about SCB 1


Smart Cipher Box 2

Secure link between controller and reader

The Cipher Box® 2 can also transfer the security-critical decryption process of ID cards to a secure domain with the addition of a SAM module installed to provide additional security and to be compliant with most highest security international standards.

  • Ideal for retrofitting
  • Integrated SAM module


Reader coverMBL1Tamper plate
different color reader cover

Reader cover

Want a new design?

Over time, the housing of access control readers can become dirty and worn, as these readers last for many years. You can easily replace the reader cover to make the reader look new.  Custom reader colors or patterns can be created as an option.

  • Can be changed as often as desired
  • Color can be changed
  • Reader looks like new

All Reader Covers

Deister wallet granting access


Bluetooth add on for any Infinity Reader

The MBL 1 is a plug in Bluetooth module for any Infinity reader that works with the "deisterWallet" app.  Every access reader can be upgraded to Bluetooth before or after installation. You have the freedom to update any reader at any time to Bluetooth based on your operational requirements.

  • Flexible retrofitting of BLE on any reader
  • Works together with the deisterWallet app
  • Maximum flexibility at any time

More about MBL 1

tamper plate reader

Tamper plate

Increased tamper detection

Each Infinity reader has build-in tamper sensor. The board with an additional sensor can also be installed in order to detect additional tamper conditions or for non-OSDP controllers.

  • Flexible retrofitting
  • Legacy controller compatible

Benefits of our solution

Reader configuration


Using Deister's configTool software, you can configure our readers to exactly suit your credentialing project requirements. Together, we create a configuration that fits your technology and security requirements.

Deister can deliver pre-configured readers or you can use the configTool to configure the readers yourself during installation at your premises or in your warehouse.  You can also install or update special firmware or enter your own secret encryption keys for your credentials - everything can remain fully under your control.

card technologies in different card shapes

Transition to a secure credential technology

Simple and safe – it just works!

Your credentials and readers are often the weakest link in the access control security chain. Unfortunately, many companies are still using decades-old technology. The transition to modern secure technologies has to be neither difficult nor expensive.

We are the experts in RFID; developed and sold the first multi-technology reader; and have either developed or helped develop many of today's popular RFID, credential and reader standards including MIFARE®, OSDP, CASI-RUSCO®, OSS and many more. We can support you in transitioning from your old technologies to the most modern, secure and cost-effective technologies.

Future Capability Infinity Readers


One reader, all the possibilities

Deister readers are characteristic configurable and field firmware updateable, so you can adapt to future technical and security innovations without having to replace your readers--for decades to come.

All Deister readers come with an easily replaced outer cover to ensure architectural compatibility--now and in the futre--and low cost reader cosmetic refurbishment.



Request Information

We would be happy to help find your solution.  Have questions?  Need literature or specifications?  Send us your request and we will quickly respond.

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