Gebäude der deister electronic GmbH in Barsinghausen

GIT Security Award 2017

We’re happy to announce that we won the GIT Security Award 2017! We came first in the category Access Control, Intruder Alarm and Perimeter Protection with our POC  ( Proof Of Communication) device.

Winner: deister electronic POC – Field Detector

We’re happy to announce that we won the GIT Security Award 2017! We came first in the category Access Control, Intruder Alarm and Perimeter Protection with our POC  ( Proof Of Communication) device.

Nicolas Stobbe, head of business development at deister electronic: “At deister we do not only develop good quality products – we also focus on smooth installation for our costumers. In developing our POC the aim was to innovate the installation process – we have developed a product to help find the best position for transponders and thus significantly speed up installation. We are happy that the GIT Award jury thinks we suceeded.”


POC – Field Detector – Make RFID fields visible

When installing a UHF long-range identification system the challenge is always to place the readers and transponders in the best possible position to ensure all vehicles are reliably detected. The POC (patent pending) represents an optimum solution to the challenge.

POC behaves precisely the same as a transponder. The integrated LEDs display the available level of communication at every position in the field between the reader and transponder. Finding the best-possible position for the transponder is quick and effective. The POC is available for both passive and active transponders.


More Information:


Solution: Long-Range Identification (AVI)
